
Sapropel is a natural organic substance formed by deposition of dying plants and microorganisms with limited access of oxygen, which is always found on the bottom of freshwater bodies. Formed over ten thousand years, sapropel composition determines its own quality and agronomic evaluation as a raw material used by mankind as organic fertilizers, highly-efficient feedings for animals, birds, and fish. It is also very useful in cosmetology and medicine.
Use of sapropel in crop science
Sapropel is rich in the following nutrients: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, various vitamins (B, E, C, D, P), amino acids, and enzymes. It consists of mineral and organic parts, the ratio and composition of which are characterized by a great variety.
Sapropel is rich in the following nutrients: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, various vitamins (B, E, C, D, P), amino acids, and enzymes.
Humic substances, the most valuable components of sapropel, are a complex mixture of high-molecular natural organic compounds with bioactive properties. Humates have a stimulating, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect, i.e. they are able to sorb and bind toxic elements. Another important quality of sapropel deposits is the sustainability and naturalness.

Lake ooze is safe in microbiological and parasitic terms since it does not contain pathogenic bacteria, protozoan cysts, flies' pupa, which is different from all other types of manure and litter. It also cannot poison plant and animal organisms.
Sapropel is rich in the following nutrients: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, various vitamins (B, E, C, D, P), amino acids, and enzymes.
Humic substances, the most valuable components of sapropel, are a complex mixture of high-molecular natural organic compounds with bioactive properties. Humates have a stimulating, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect, i.e. they are able to sorb and bind toxic elements. Another important quality of sapropel deposits is the sustainability and naturalness.

Lake ooze is safe in microbiological and parasitic terms since it does not contain pathogenic bacteria, protozoan cysts, flies' pupa, which is different from all other types of manure and litter. It also cannot poison plant and animal organisms.
Sapropel, as environmentally pristine and high-quality organic and mineral fertilizer, is used for all types of soils and plants since it increases the content of humus, nitrogen, and microelements in the soil.
The use of sapropel
When adding sapropel, heavy clay soils become looser.
The benefits of using sapropel for soil
It forms a fertile soil layer on problem soils.
Allows preserving the soil fertility for 3-5 years.
Helps to clean the soil from pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, as well as from fungi and nitrates.
Enriches an exhausted soil and makes it "work" so that the fertile soil layer is formed.
Allows increasing the amount of humus in the soil.
The substrate, which includes sapropel, binds moisture better, which means that the soil requires less frequent watering.
It is a natural sorbent.
Stimulates the development of the root system.
Accelerates the growth and development.
Promotes continuous blooming.
Nourishes plants throughout their life.
Increases the guaranteed crop yield.
Improves the quality of the final product.
Improves acclimatization of nursery plants.
Works as an antidote to pesticide treatment.
The benefits of using sapropel for plants
The process of sapropel extraction

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